In this paper, using gelatin (Gel) and graphene (GR) as raw materials, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as surfactant, glycerol and water as binary solvent, the Gel/GR conducting hydrogel was prepared. The effects of the content of graphene on the mechanical and electrical properties of the conducting hydrogel were studied. The results showed that Gel/GR conducting hydrogel had a tensile strength of 114.63KPa, a elongation of 157.85%, and a conductivity of 6.68*10-3S/m, which was 2500 times higher than that of pure Gel hydrogel, and had good freezing resistance and adhesion. In addition, the detection of human activity (e.g. finger bending, wrist bending) by stable and repeatable electrical signals suggests potential applications for personal health monitoring.